Philippina, Teil 5

Susan hat es jetzt ein wenig eiliger und Rosy merkt an, dass sie immer noch nicht weiß, ob sie ihren Anwalt einschalten soll…

Hier ist zunächst Susans letzte mail:


Greeting to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ and the lord will see you through to dispatch my funds to charity organisation .

I have ask My lawyer DENIS JONES about the fastest way in getting my funds he said if you follow his instruction you will have my funds in five working days because he is going to make the change of ownership of my funds to your name in the high court of justice and he is going to meet with the bank and transfer my funds to you .

My lawyer said to me that you should send your telephone number house address and a copy of your identity for him to make the change of ownership of my funds to your name and lawyer Denis Jones said his colleague in his office speak a little German that they could able to communicate with you .

I will wait for your information for me to give my lawyer Denis Jones and I will also send you his contact detail for you to contact him as soon as I get your mail.

I saw your picture I have confidence on you .

My regards

Mrs Susan Fernando”

Immerhin mochte Susan das Foto (danke Dirk!). Hier nun Rosy’s Antwort:

“Dear Susan,

Thank you for your swift response to my mail.

Would you be so kind to tell me whether I shall contact mz law firm or not? I will be on vacations for the next 2 weeks (departing tomorrow).

Apart from this I have to confess that I am not really skilled in financial matters. Maybe it is a could idea that I contact my law firm and my Legal Adviser could give Mr. Denis Jones a ring afterwards.

What do you think?

May the Lord always enlightes your paths.

Warm regards,

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Ein Kommentar zu Philippina, Teil 5

  • Spassige Sache! :D
    Ich finde übrigens: dass das was du hier tust genau richtig ist. Wenn noch viel mehr Leute sinnlos mit diesen Betrügern kommunizieren und ihre Zeit in Anspruch nehmen würden, lohnt sich das ganze irgendwann nicht mehr.
    In diesem Sinne: weiter so!!!

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